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Moments in the Meadow--Back to School Basics ( Part 1--Readin')

We're all in our places

with bright smiling faces!!!

School's in session. A week is under our proverbial belts and only 175 or so more days til summer break!! What does our Teacher have for us? What truths will be uncovered under His perfect tutelage?

First, He must teach us to read. Oh! The places we'll visit and miracles we'll see written in the exciting pages of His Book. Let's step in to the classroom. Find our name labeled on our desk, greet the teacher and with an expectant heart, begin a most wonderful adventure.

I absolutely love to read! This year, for my birthday, I took the day off work, parked under my blooming mimosa tree, and read a book. It was a perfect birthday. I truly felt special as my Father graced the day with mid 70's temperatures, a Carolina blue sky, gentle breezes and sweet sounds of springtime all around.

I am so grateful for the people in my life who cultivated a love of reading and learning in this quiet, shy little girl. My first grade teacher would encourage me to figure out the words I didn't know. The librarians who worked on The Book Mobile, (a mobile library that visited our home during the summer months), always had "special" books they picked out just for me. Teachers, older ladies, and good friends sprinkled in along the way have continued to grow my love of reading.

As it is a core in any education, it is extremely important in our spiritual walk. Let's explore together this most important part of our Christian schooling and let it take us places we'd never go otherwise.

Buckle your seatbelt Betty, 'cause the ride only gets "funner" from here.


Reading God's Word can bring so many blessings. Knowing where to turn in trials, tragedies and even triumphs are imperative to success in a Christian's life. Having our gun loaded with spiritual "bullets" will enable us to fight evil during it's inevitable onslaught.

A-) Reading The Bible will bring repentance: 2 Kings 22: 8-20 is a record of how powerful God's Word can be when delivered honestly and in love.

The Children of Israel had grown so distant from the principles in The Holy Script, they couldn't even find the parchments. The first time Shaphan read the Scripture to the king, he rent his clothes in repentance realizing how far they'd drifted from the Holy God.

B-) Reading The Bible reminds us of our duties: Nehemiah 8:12-13

Once you've studied and understood what God wisely and perfectly instructs us to do, you are to go do it. Plain and simple. Sometimes it's easier said than done, however, it's still expected. God answers our petitions about guidance, direction and paths of life through the written Word He has lovingly written to us.

C-) Reading the Bible produces reformation: 2 Corinthians 5:17

The Bible, written by a God that cannot lie, boldly proclaims that if we are in Christ, we are a new creature. Not just cleaned up, but new. I don't know about you, but that right there is enough to shout about.

D-) Reading the Bible reveals the future: Revelation 1:3

From the prediction of the flood, the bittersweet revelation of a coming Messiah, to the horrible atrocities during the 7 year tribulation, God's Word is and has been an accurate account of things to come. Are you ready for what is revealed to come in the last days? Have you made your preparations for your eternal destiny? Time is going to end. Are you ready? The proper preparations are included in those Blessed Holy Pages. Don't be caught unprepared.

Reading God's Word has lifelong and eternal results. Not only in our personal, spiritual lives, but also in the lives of those we love the most and others around us.

Read to your children, grandchildren, neighborhood children and any one else who will listen. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 encourages us to teach them from the time the sun comes up until it kisses us goodnight at the end of the day. Pay attention to what the TV is "reading" to your children, you and those you love. I cringe at the loud, brash, disrespectfulness that spews from so many of the popular cartoons and other popular TV programs. Reading is supposed to be a time of rest for your weary soul. Is your soul rested or is it as loud and noisy as what's blaring from the TV or the book you're reading?

Rest homes, assisted living facilities, jails, and hospitals are full of people who are longing to be read to, read with or just remembered.

Read good literature. The Bible says, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7) Oh my word!! I could so park right here and just shake this bush!! This is so important! If you, me or anyone else fills our eyes, minds, ears and hearts with good stuff, that is what's going to come out.

Look at the book you're reading right now, the TV program you're watching, or the music you're listening to. Is it Godly, Holy? Does it promote good things, positive actions or thoughts? Would you want your spouse to see you reading it, watching it or clicking on it? Does it cause you to view your home, your family, your loved ones as God would be pleased with?

My heart pleads with you dear one to examine your readin'. Ask The Teacher, The Holy Spirit, if it is pleasing to Him. Be concerned about you enough to ditch it if it isn't pleasing to Him. Years ago, as a new young romantic wife, I was introduced to secular romance fiction through paperbacks and certain daytime TV shows. I became addicted and held my wonderful husband up to those unrealistic standards. It made for an extremely rough road in our marriage and family. Thankfully, God had placed some wise and godly ladies as roadblocks and long story extremely short, set me on a loving, realistic path for my marriage. I will never be able to repay them for the investment in my life.

Since those young days, to the glory of The Father, I only read Christian romantic fiction, Christian study books on marriage, etc. (In the next Daisy Deed section, I'll include some of my favorite authors and studies) I'm sure there are secular books and helps out there, however, there are so many Christian based studies, books, etc. and I give them first priority.


I don't know about you, but for me it's time for recess. As you take a break from the lessons learned today, take a sweet, quiet moment and ponder what we've learned.

Meditate on the principles and core lessons our Teacher has prepared for us.

Share with someone what you've learned, where you want to change and how you plan to make a good grade on the test.

We have the kindest, most patient and loving Teacher in the universe. (literally) Let's strive together to please Him and better ourselves as we allow Him to educate us in His ways.

After recess, we'll tackle the arduous task of 'Ritin'. Talk to you soon!




© 2016 by The Daisy Pot

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