Moments In the Meadow (More Than Just Making It)
The lap of the ever faithful waves, the scream of a neighboring seagull, the happy sounds of nearby children dancing with the waves on the shores of The Emerald Coast's shores, all faded as "More Than Just Making It pulled me in to it's personal, hope filled pages.
"It was a place I never imagined I would visit."
(More Than Just Making It p. 15)
A couple of weeks prior to our much anticipated vacation, I'd been accepted to participate in my first book launch team. The book, More Than Just Making It had been authored by a young lady I'd known for several years. I knew somewhat of her personal financial struggles and her subsequent victory simply by her praises as well as her open blog posts. The honor of being selected for the launch team coupled with my own financial struggles through the years laid the foundation for a sweet anticipation for the message this book may hold.

I can say with all honesty --- it didn't disappoint. Oh my word! Please don't assume I'm being dramatic when I try to convey the hope this book brings to the financially struggling. Recently, my husband and I had encountered a financial snag. God has used this book to plant seeds of hope that have blossomed into dreams once again.
I was expecting the book to mimic Erin's gentle nature and her optimistic spirit. The expectation of praise of victory to her Lord didn't disappoint either. However, what I didn't expect was to feel the tears of remembrance of the early days of my struggling marriage. It was if I was reading my journal from 30 years ago. The heart wrenching shame of living without electricity for 3 months when our children were early school age gripped my memory as I read of her journey into the embarrassed filled corridors of government aid offices.
I started looking at and crediting each and every incident---
from the government WIC checks to the box of persimmons---
as God's provision for our family.
(More Than Just Making It p.125)
When I read about her persimmon blessing, my heart smiled as I remembered one of my "kisses from Jesus", (Erin's pet name for God's blessings). #kissesfromJesus I'd just come from a very desperate prayer plea to my Father for a personal need. As I responded to the knock on my flimsy trailer front door, my friend Marian stood on the other side. As my tear filled eyes met her sweet, understanding ones, she thrust the answer to my prayer plea in my hand and hurriedly handed me a gallon of milk along with it. She relayed to me The Holy Spirit's sweet whisper of my need as she was on her way home from work. She obeyed His directive and felt the need to add the gallon of milk just because she didn't want me to think she was crazy in bringing me something so personal and random---just in case she'd misunderstood The Holy Spirit. I'm so grateful Erin has shared these same kinds of blessings and it has served to remind this empty nester of God's faithfulness.
The recounting of her dad refusing a drink with the Happy Meal literally made me laugh out loud! I was Erin's substitute teacher for several years and I could just see that little red head bobbing up and down as she tried to convince him to accept it. I could also picture her immediate obedience as she and her sister got the look.
Whether you're newly beginning your marriage journey or years have passed since your "I do's", this book will bless your blesser. It's sweet relevance and compassionate words will draw you in to it's encouraging web. Being an empty nester, I quietly wondered if it would apply or even appeal to me personally. I can say with my whole heart God has used the words from Erin's pen to encourage and rejuvenate my own Christian walk. A Pastor friend of ours once said, "God is looking for someone in whom His glory is safe". He has found that in Erin's unending praise and gratefulness in the pages of this powerful, but not overwhelming book.
I consider it a must read and will purchase it for my grown children, adult nieces and nephews and their families for Christmas presents. I just hope I can hold on to it that long. Pre-ordering now gives me many freebies. This helps me save money and enhance their Christmas.
Pre-order More Than Just Making It before September 5 to receive over $220 worth of FREE bonuses. (Another way to save money)
Do you know someone getting married?
It's a great way to spread a Daisy Deed! Wonderful and encouraging and inexpensive!! Don't forget to get a copy for yourself.
Joyfully His,